TMVOA Election | Dial-a-Ride | Annual Members Meeting & Social

TMVOA Member Election
Last Friday (11/23) electronic ballots were sent out to the email address we have on file for residential property owners. Ballots were also sent to commercial property owners or their leasee for the Class C (commercial) election.

If you did not receive an email containing the link to your official ballot, please contact Heidi Stenhammer at 970-728-1904, ext 7 or .

Click here for more election info and FAQs. The election will close on Dec 14, 2018 at 5pm MST.

View the candidates and their bios.
Residential (Class A)
Commercial (Class C)

Dial-a-Ride: Ridership Rules
Since taking over responsibility for the management and funding of dial-a-ride (DAR) in October 2013, TMVOA has worked closely with our service provider (Telluride Concierge) to continually enhance the overall quality, standards, and experience for our members and their guests.

As a result, we’ve seen a significant increase in the overall utilization of the service and an 81% increase (+15,534) in annual vehicle trips since taking over the service. Over the past summer and winter seasons (combined), 1,044 unique residential property owners used the service. As you can expect, the distribution of use by property varied and ranged from 1 – 500 rides for the 12-month period. Most of the property owners that use DAR (97% or 1,017 addresses) use on average 25 rides per year. View the distribution of use of the 1,044 unique users of DAR.

Historically we have utilized a seasonal ride limit, but some members have noted that they would prefer an annual limit (winter + summer) as their use is much higher in one season versus the other.

As such, the TMVOA board has approved up to 200 complementary rides per year for valid residential members beginning this winter through next summer (Nov 2018 – Oct 2019). Additional rides are available at a discounted rate of $15 per ride which will be invoiced separately to the property owner. As always, you can monitor your usage of DAR on the TMVOA website (click here).

TMVOA Annual Members Meeting & Social
Save the date – Join us on Wednesday, December 26, 2018 at 4pm at the Conference Center located in Mountain Village for the TMVOA Annual Members Meeting.

At the meeting results of the election for one residential seat and one commercial seat will be announced, followed by a presentation on the state of the association. The meeting will be followed by our winter social. Hope to see you there.


Anton Benitez, Executive Director
Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association

Posted on Nov 28, 2018

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